German renewables have a stabilising effect on the interconnected grid
Mar 08, 2019 08:20 Strong systematic frequency fluctuations in the European power grid often coincide with the transition of successive standardised trading products. Interestingly enough: the feed-in priority of wind and PV has a dampening effect on the frequency deviation and stabilizes the overall system.
A brief overfrequency event on Jan. 24, 2019, at 6 a.m.
Jan 27, 2019 01:10 On the morning of 24.01.2019 at 06:00, there was a brief overshoot of the frequency in the European power grid. The frequency averaged over 1 second was briefly 50.193 Hz in some places, i.e. close to the 50.2 Hz limit. The extent of the frequency deviations varied regionally...
Grid frequency drops to 49,8 Hz on 10.01.2019 at 2100 in European grid
Jan 20, 2019 09:40 The 49,8 Hz incident in the European grid on 10.01.2019 was widely reported. But what exactly happened? The only thing that can be said with certainty at the moment is that the grid frequency dropped to 49.80 Hz, a value considered outside the normal range, at 2102 hours.