aFRR Forecast
1-minute forecast and the 5-minute forecast of the German aFRR. The probability of the retrieval direction in the respective minute is shown.
Time of publication of the control reserve demand of the last quarter hour in the last 24 hours.
The forecast runs 4 minutes behind in the demo. Of course, we provide our forecasts in real time and for up to 15 minutes in advance. Contact us.
The API provides you with current and historical data from our monitoring system in real time. Science and research receive access free of charge, of course.
Reliable forecasts are the central input for your business. We combine network information with weather data and offer you highly reliable information!
Monitoring System
Gridradar offers you a cross-regional insight into the state of the power grid in real time. For this purpose, Gridradar uses measuring stations throughout Europe, both its own and cooperative stations.
We support you in the analysis of market results due to unexpected system and generation situations.